Card Payments
During registration, you can make full payment via credit or debit card.
If you need assistance with your registration, please email or call 602-340-7221.
Check Payments
We encourage the use of credit cards for payments. Your registration is saved but not confirmed until your payment is received.
Your payment must be received by February 28, 2025 to guarantee your registration. Payments by mail are unpredictable because of mail delivery delays, so allow up to 3 weeks if sending by mail.
To pay by check, follow these steps:
1 - Complete your registration online.
2 - On the payment screen, click the PAY BY CHECK button.
3 - You will receive an email containing a summary of your registration selections and amount due.
4 - Mail a copy of the email containing your registration selections and amount due along with your check to:
PO BOX 842699
LOS ANGELES, CA 90084-2699
Cancellation Policy
Requests for refunds are accepted in writing or by email to only. The date of cancellation is the date received by the State Bar Office.
Cancellations after February 15, 2025 will receive a 50% refund.
Hotel cancellations are the responsibility of the registrant.
No refund will be given after February 24, 2025.